Associated Christian Ministries is an Authorised provider of Special Religious Education in Primary Schools in NSW.

ACM authorises the use of the following Curricula by its approved members to teach SRE in Public Primary Schools in NSW:


All ACM Teachers in NSW are required to be trained in safe ministry (Creating Safe Spaces) and SRE classroom training. This training is provided by The Baptist Union of NSW and ACT (SRE Essentials) (based on the agreed framework as set out by ICCOREIS NSW Inc.)

The teacher audit process will guide the focus for ongoing teacher training and the topics identified will be included in the annual assurance to the department.

Please click on the following links to download the ACM NSW SRE Policy Documents for Compliance with DoEd:


There are numerous ACM churches and ministries located in New South Wales. To find a church near you, see the list on our find an ACM church page.